Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Dyslexics find e-readers easier to read from

As the trend of e-readers is getting popular, researchers at the Smithsonian have discovered that people with dyslexia can read more easily and quickly and with greater comprehension from a e- reader as they can be set up to display only very words per line. This finding was published in journal PLOS ONE in September, 18th. Dyslexia is a condition where the person is visual attention deficit. It is the disability to recognize letters cluttered within the word, dyslexics also find it hard to concentrate on letters within words or words within lines. So, the e-readers reduce visual distractions within the text making it easy for dyslexic readers to read. Matthew H. Schneps, director of the Laboratory for Visual Learning at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory said, "At least a third of those with dyslexia we tested have these issues with visual attention and are helped by reading on the e-reader.”

1 comment:

  1. As someone who's niche is visual dyslexia and has produced universal visual dyslexia glasses that remove described visual problems that make reading difficult I suggest See Right Dyslexia Glasses available at are a better solution.

    It's unfortunate that visual dyslexics are commonly grouped with dyslexics as it gives the appearance that dyslexia has a visual component . I prefer to consider visual dyslexia and dyslexia separately as they have different causes / mechanisms that require different interventions.

    While both have slow ,inaccurate reading with poor fluency and comprehension in common, visual dyslexics normally have those problems removed when their visual problems are removed and can read normally. Dyslexics have a much longer row to hoe even with intervention .

    As indicated in the article some dyslexics have some benefit with the e-readers. I have been using the idea for years that increased fluency with increased text size is an indication of visual dyslexia . Dyslexics with their language processing problems not being visual normally don't see any improvement as their problems aren't visual.

    My marketing is aimed at people who can describe visual problems that make reading difficult as the See Right Dyslexia Glasses are effective at removing described visual problems. I take that approach because it has predicting value. People who have reading difficulties and can describe visual problems as causal will benefit when the glasses remove the described problems. It also make the definition of success easier as people who can describe their visual problems know whether or not the problems are present. I consider removing the described visual problems as success.

    Visual dyslexia exists on a spectrum. Many visual dyslexics do not have any problems with the print size in first and second grade and only have problems when the print size is reduced around the third grade. Large print books and e-readers can be beneficial for some moderate visual dyslexics . Removing the visual problems with See Right Dyslexia Glasses allows reading normal size print which in my opinion is a more convenient answer.

    More information about visual dyslexia can be found at .
