Friday, January 3, 2014

A new method to drive breast cancer is discovered

At UT Southwestern, a team of researchers have found that an effective tonic of breast cancer is created when cholesterol is metabolized. It is one that increases positive breast cancers estrogen receptors which defeats a general treatment approach for breast cancers. It is discovered by multidisciplinary team that a cholesterol metabolic known as 27 hydroxycholestrol encourages the growth of tumor in estrogen receptor which are a general type of cancer in breast. It was believed earlier that it is primarily stimulated by a female sex hormone estrogen which is treated with the use of endocrine based drugs that removes estrogen tumors. This 27HC to drive breast cancer is helpful discovery which explains the reason about endocrine based therapy which is unsuccessful sometimes giving chance for a new objective for therapy as per the researchers. According to a senior author name Dr. Philip Shaul, a Professor and Vice chairman for Research in pediatrics and also a member of Harold C.Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Centre. “This information can be used to develop new therapies that inhibit 27HC action or production, or increase its metabolism, in effect cutting the cancer off from a key growth.” Each year, a million of breast cancer cases are diagnosed from which 2/3rd are of positive hormone receptor according to American Cancer society. This has led researchers to discover independent methods that drive the growth of breast cancer.

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