Friday, January 3, 2014

New Results from gut bacteria sequencing project coming in

The bright news is around. The buzz says that the results will be flowing anytime now. This big result is about a significant project led by the University of Colorado Boulder, it is expected through current study scientist will eventually get closer to the sequencing of gut bacteria of tens of thousands of people from the world. This will in turn lead the researchers to a better understanding of nutrition and health. It is believed that every human is harbor to roughly 10 trillion microorganisms that is about 10 times more than the number of cells in and on a human body. This research will help in better detailing and understanding of such micro organisms. The research is led by CU-Boulder Professor Rob Knight of the BioFrontiers Institute. He explains it further, “Understanding these links between microbes and nutrition in more detail by studying more people will help us untangle the complex associations between diet, microbes and health.”

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