Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Breast cancer drug Revealed in bodybuilding supplement

“It is not known whether the Esto Suppress currently being sold still contains tamoxifen, but since the 2000s a growing number of off-the-shelf food, herbal, or dietary supplements" During a study, reviewer found that tamoxifen a prescribed medicine of brest cancer is used as one of the fixing in bodybuilding supplement called Esto Suppress. To confirm this, reviewer has bought some samples during the tenure of 2011-12 and start examines the formulated contents. Tamoxifen is found in 3 out of 4 samples at varied amount. As the increase in demand of dietary supplements in bodybuilders, and those want to lose excess bulk. These supplements include steroids, stimulants, suppressants and some other components, but it often missed from the product label, and falsely promote as a herbal supplement. But by the labeling of Esto Suppress manufacturer they unintentionally warn the consumers that they are utilizing such formulation, of which they are not aware and makes them to consult with their physician before consuming any supplement, to avoid unwanted effects.

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