Sunday, February 9, 2014

Child’s cognitive function development directly linked to mother’s depression and food habits during pregnancy

Research led by Dr. Edward Barker showed women suffering from depression during pregnancy resorting to unhealthy eating habits. This directly affected the child’s cognitive function. Women were studied 5 times at 18-weeks of pregnancy and when the child was 33 months old. Assessments were done on eating habits when they were 32 weeks pregnant and again when their child was 47 months old. Consequently the child’s cognitive function was assessed at 8 years of age. Dr Edward Barker said of this correlation: "Our study provides evidence that prenatal maternal depression symptoms relate to both increased unhealthy and decreased healthy prenatal diets which, in turn, is associated with reduced child cognitive function. During pregnancy, the diet of the mother directly influences the nutritional environment of the foetus, which presumably will affect the development of the foetal nervous system including the brain.” It proves the importance of a healthy diet during pregnancy.

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