Friday, February 14, 2014

Sedation before nerve block is not a pain relief but can possibly causes risk

Professor of anesthesiology, Dr. Steven P. Cohen the research leader states, Sedation can give you risk. As an outcome of new research, it is proved that sedation can increases risks to your health. Total of 73 patients from US, with spinal torment grouped into 2, and 1 group is receiving injection with sedation and the second injection is without it and the process is performed with 2nd group in a vice-versa manner, and after an interval of 6 hours, and asked to rate their satisfaction. These same examination with access and reviewed a month later. As obvious the patients with sedation an experience instant relief, in every examination, but overall pain assessment of all patients with or without sedation is same in the month end. "Unfortunately, medicine in many places has become a business. The fact is, you get paid more money to do the procedure with sedation," states Cohen. “The price of sedation is more than the fee of the overall procedure”.

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