Sunday, February 9, 2014

Shut down electronics for better sleeping!

Teenagers encountered uncomfortable sleeping with switched on smartphones, electronic tablets, laptops and televisions. “Teens are particularly sensitive to the blue-green spectrum of light emitted by these devices”, said Dr. Harish Rao, director of the pediatric sleep program at Penn State Hershey. “Using them before bedtime can make it harder to fall asleep and lead to poor quantity and quality of sleep”. Poor quantity and quality of sleep can lead in teenagers to hyperactive behavior, poor academic performance and less ability to focus on class. This problem can also lead to increased risks to diabetes or hypertension. “We take sleep for granted”, he said. “But your brain needs recharging just like your device does. Only a person who has insomnia knows the value of sleep”. Teenagers usually take only 5 hours of sleep, while they are in need of at least 9 hour of rest. Younger children should sleep even more. Other people need an average between 7 and 8 hours of sleep. Rao comes with several proper sleeping tips in his study.

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