Thursday, March 27, 2014

Clean cooking fuel and good ventilation saves from lung disease

According to a new study conducted at Guanzhou Medical University, China published in scientific journal PLOS Medicine have observed that the Improved cooking fuels and the kitchen ventilation is linked with the better lung function and also reduced risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. To conduct this study the researchers gave 1000 participants from 12 different villages the access to biogas and better kitchen ventilation facilities and people also adopted these interventions. The exercise led to the conclusion that better fuel and ventilations helps to control lung diseases. The authors also recommend that these simple changes can make bug difference in everybody’s life. It will help to control lung related diseases. Authors write, “While we recognize that implementing community interventions to change how individuals cook in rural settings in developing countries remains a challenging task, substituting biogas for biomass fuel for cooking and improving kitchen ventilation could lead to a reduction of the global burden of COPD, especially in non-industrialized nations.”

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