Thursday, March 13, 2014

Community action not helpful in reducing drinking issues

According to a new Australian study published in journal PLOS states that community interventions is not very much helpful in reducing the drinking habits and their bad effectives. This was proved when reports showed that the alcohol related crime rate, road accidents, and the hospital patient admissions does not have any major difference between the community-based interventions and non-interventions. To reduce the drinking habit and save people from its hard effects several community interventions were launched these included school and work place education and training sessions, media help for awareness, briefing advice in general practice and also meeting high risk individuals. Though the work has been done but there no big changed has been noticed. The authors say further explained that, “This RCT provides little evidence that community action significantly reduces risky alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harms, other than potential reductions in self-reported average weekly consumption and experience of alcohol-related verbal abuse.”

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