Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Righty or Lefty still Genes' Role not clear

Do you use your right hand or left hand, it was thought off that the genes played major role in it but this not at all true. According to a new research published in journal Heredity that proves that genes does not play any major role whether a person uses right handed or left handed. In order to find out the real genetic connections between these relations, the team studied those 4,000 twins to have a clear genetic analysis. No doubt how much they try to figure out but they could get an answer showing that the genes are responsible for using right hand or left hand. The co-author of this latest study John Armour of the University of Nottingham explains, “It is likely that there are many relatively weak genetic factors in handedness, rather than any strong factors, and much bigger studies than our own will be needed to identify such genes unambiguously.”

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