Saturday, February 22, 2014

Nation's deterioration Greece's facing health crisis

The writers from Oxford University, Cambridge University and the London School of Hygiene have figured out some important issues that increases the possibilities of health crisis for the Greece’s nation. Some authors’ states that an increase in the populations causes unemployment which leads to these issues, some states the cost of governments’ sternness is paid by common people of Greece. The study shows that 47% rise in individuals those feel they are not getting necessary medical care. These is estimated due to some issues including rising in cost, cost of transportation and also 80K unemployed citizen of Greece. The details include the issues like HIV cases, Tuberculosis, Mental Health, Suicides, and Infant Mortality. Finally all the authors conclude with that: 'The foundations for a well functioning health-care system need structures that are accountable and coordinated—not denialism. These findings suggest that the people of Greece deserve better.'

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