Sunday, March 9, 2014

Hyperglycemia leads to larger myocardial area-at-risk

A study conducted at Copenhagen University, Denmark published in online journal Diabetes states that the patients suffering from ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, the hyperglycemia is exposed to more ‘area-at-risk’ and infarct size. It has also been found that effect of the exenatide treatment is indifferent of the glucose levels. Under the leadership of Jacob Lønborg, M.D., Ph.D., from Copenhagen University Hospital in Denmark, the study was conducted to find correlation between hyperglycemia and infarct size, myocardial salvage. The patients in question were randomly given intravenous exenatide or placebo before percutaneous coronary intervention and then link between exenatide and hyperglycemia was evaluated. Further the authors state that, “Thus, we conclude that the association between hyperglycemia upon admission and infarct size in STEMI patients is a consequence of a larger myocardial area-at-risk but not on a reduction in myocardial salvage. Also, cardioprotection by exenatide treatment is independent of admission glucose levels.”

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