Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Fatal Illness Cured by Fecal Matter pills

Gut infection is a problem for millions and all patients look forward to quick redemption from illness. While it might seem bizarre, swallowing fecal matter pills could be one of the best ways or restoring your gut normalcy. Use of antibiotics for treating ailments is a common feature these days but the dangers involved is destruction of good bacteria in guts.
 It is exactly the point where fecal transplantation can step in to benefit the patient. After prolonged research and experimentations, Dr Louie and team found that the tiny sized capsules have healthy microbes that have been discovered in the stool samples.
 “There is no smell. There’s no taste….it looks like peanut butter”, Says Dr. Louie. “The patient has to swallow 34 pills in a 15 minute period”. It might sound little unsavory but the good news is that all the patients that were tested by Dr. Louie with the pills during treatment, responded favorably to them.

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