Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Scientists Detect Link Between Hormone Vasopressin and Jet Lag

A group of Japanese scientists have discovered a close link between hormone vasopressin and jet lag from which many travelers suffer. According to them vasopressin can help readjust the circadian clock in human beings as they found by experimenting on mice. This might be the opening scientists were looking for to address the problems of long distance flyers.
 New methods that the scientists have devised have been the outcome of their probe into the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the main region of brain that takes care of checking out the time passed in any activity. They also found out the numerous neurons in that part of human brain is sensitive to vasopressin.
 When the scientists removed the receptors from the brain of the mice they also found that the brain becomes able to adapt to radically changed time within one day. The same effect required a week in case of those whose receptive remained unaltered.

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